4 Tips To Prepare For A Successful Career Pivot.
People can hit crossroads in their careers where they may need to pivot.
It can be a challenging time if you haven’t planned for it. The choice is staying the course and hoping you can hang on for a while. But that can be a risky way to go that may cause internal conflict and extra anxiety and stress in the process.
So, if you know when it’s the right time for you to pivot then how do you actually take small steps in the lead up to doing it?
Use these 4 strategies to plan and prepare in advance.
1. Embrace new learning.
Look beyond your current role and assess how the market is moving in your industry. See where you should strengthen your skills or fill any gaps. Be sure to continue developing the soft skills that will help you stand out.
2. Keep your professional profiles updated.
Employers want to hire lifelong learners and creative thinkers. Be sure to self-promote on all your profiles. Ditch the impostor syndrome and shout out your success.
It shows you embrace change and adopt a growth mindset.
3. Stay connected.
It’s great to have lots of LinkedIn connections, but when was the last time you had meaningful conversations with them? Grab a coffee or drop a message to your most valuable contacts every so often.
Be curious! Ask what they’re up to and if you can help them with anything.
4. Have a side hustle.
Even if you don’t earn any money. It makes you more interesting. You might even be able to use it if you do find yourself made redundant and want employers to see you’re not sitting idle.
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