Pauline Harley Leading Self Advocacy Career Coach and Wellbeing Coaching Ireland

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Why It's Important to Create Purposeful Pivot Relationships.

How do you craft purposeful pivot relationships that keep you motivated and moving forward?

It's so important to have the right people around you in life and business. But even more so when you decide to make a significant transition. Whenever I’ve gone through a major life or career pivot, having these types of people by my side has been pure gold.

1. Someone who’s doing what you want to do.

I always try to surround myself with people whom I admire. Professionals who gain satisfaction from their work, and people who achieve their vision. To do so, I have had to be brave enough to reach out and ask for their help and advice. These powerful conversations provide me with a clearer picture of what I am getting into. But they also help me draw a more realistic road map of what it takes to break into my chosen industry. 

I am still pursuing my career in coaching and consulting building my practice day by day. One successful career coach suggested I invest in getting more business mentoring and skills. I was ready to spend more time and money into gaining more coaching credentials. But I don't need these at present. However, I did need business mentoring. I missed that piece for a while! It's okay I am only human.

I completed a digital marketing qualification to further my branding and message. This has been of great benefit to me and the business. It has informed my work and also reinforced my credibility. It has been valuable advice. I have gained more knowledge thanks to their advice and perspective.

2. Someone you admire who has followed an alternative and different career path.

Everyone’s career path is individual to them. There’s no right or wrong way to go about your career. You have to trust your gut. Reality is employers and recruiters can favor candidates who have clear-cut career stories. Ones that don't take a lot of explaining.

But who wants to be boring? I teach people how to tell their career stories with a good narrative to grab the right kind of attention!

So have you’ve decided to step off a traditional career path? Then connect with people who have taken courageous steps in their careers. It will help remind you that what you’re seeking is possible. They can remind you that the difficulties you’re running into are normal.

3. A good friend who doesn’t work in your chosen industry.

When I decided to walk away from my insurance career in 2015, there were people in the industry who didn’t understand why I made this choice. They wondered why I would not return to the profession in another role. 

Working in any environment for a significant period of time can mold you to think a certain way. Often in ways, you don’t realize at the time. We can all fall into the trap of focusing on a job title or having a certain salary defined as a measure of success. 

That’s why reconnecting with a good friend outside your industry is key. A friend who plays by a different set of rules and can help you gain a fresh perspective. And one that can help you determine whether what you’re focused on matters to you.

I have had many conversations with good friends that help ground me in my true aspirations. A good friend can remind you of who you used to be when you were happier and more energised. They can help you reality-check whether the move you’re considering is in line with the person you want to become.

Navigating any transition is a very personal journey. I am someone who’s not always great at asking for help. I sometimes feel like I have to figure it all out on my own. During these confusing times when I’ve made a point to reach out to the people above, I gained more clarity and focus.

As Jim Collins advocates in Good to Great, first, if you begin with “who,” rather than “what,” you can more easily adapt to a changing world. Remember having the right people in your circle can speed up your change.

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